
Incoming Art - "Celebrate the Earth" show Coming up at Grayson Gallery & Art Center

Artist Christina Senior of Huntington, W.V. was greeted by Grayson Gallery & Art Center Director Dan Click Saturday as she dropped off three pieces of her handiwork for the upcoming "Celebrate the Earth" art show and sale in Grayson.
Up to three pieces per artist, art must be original (except series or limited number printmaking pieces) and there are TWO dates/times to drop off work at the gallery: Saturday, April 16 and/or Monday, April 18 from 10am to 2pm each day.   

No fee to enter!  SOLD pieces (generated from the showing or outside commissions resulting from gallery exhibits) have a 20% commission payable to the GGAC.  THIS helps keep us going and expanding arts' services!  Artwprk on hand may be picked up during these dates as well.

Art must be ready to hang or display and "tagged" with artist name (see sheet attached for now and future use), title, medium and price (unless NFS).  registration form is also available and may be completed prior to coming by or done in-house.

The GGAC will host an opening reception free to artists and the public during the monthly F!nal Fr!days Art Walk in Grayson on April 29th from 6:00pm to 9:00pm!  Refreshments and live music will be provided throughout the evening.

Coming up in May will be the East Carter High School Art Students of Heather Berry with the opening reception during Grayson Memory Days event on F!nal Fr!day, May 27th.  Pride in the Arts will be presented in June.  Watch for more news!

Contact Dan Click via email: graysongallery@gmail.com for information on all gallery programs, shows & events as well as volunteer opportunities!! 

 Photos by TIM PRESTON

Carter County Post