
Sunday Drive - The AA Highway to Iron Hill: by MICHELLE BRAND

Fall in Eastern Kentucky is beyond spectacular!  The changing of the leaves from green to orange, salmon, red and yellow is an event many look forward to every year. 


I am one of Autumn glory’s biggest fans.  As a photographer, the amazing show of the trees’ beauty is so enticing that I cannot wait for the leaves to change so I can take pictures of them. 

This past week-end my daughter and I headed up the Double A Highway to find some scenery to shoot.  It worked out well, as she needed driving practice, and  I could look for places to take photos.

Country churches are a favorite of mine.  They look so beautiful, a true beacon of light against the back-drop of the hills. 
A little white church with a neighboring herd of grazing cattle, in the Iron Hill area, beckoned us to pull off the Double A and enjoy the view and solitude.

The church, cows, a rustic shed, a giant tree and a babbling brook all made great subjects for my camera. 

My daughter (also a photographer) and I enjoyed looking at the brightly colored trees along the creekside, leaves in the water, exposed tangled roots and listening to the water flowing over the rocks.

We also had fun taking pictures of each other with nature as the backdrop. Of course, I just had to cross the creek to get the perfect shot of my daughter sitting on the bank.  So my shoes did get wet and my feet did get cold!

On the drive home we talked about how God’s nature is so beautiful and how taking the time to enjoy the view is great stress-relief! 

I also decided that as often as I walk in the creeks while out shooting, I really should buy a pair of waterproof boots!

Story & Photos by MICHELLE BRAND

Carter County Post