
A Day At The Races: Fueled By Friends & Family At Willard Kartway (26 photos)

With the sun in the sky on a Saturday afternoon, area kart-racing teams were not about to let a little cold wind get between themselves and the track at Willard Kartway.

"We're going weekend to weekend. We've had good weather in December before," Erin Hicks said as race teams pulled in with trailers filled with karts and mobile garage equipment.

Around 100 people were already inside the fences, hard at work to ready their rides for the "hot laps" starting shortly after 2 p.m.

Pixy Stix, Slim Jims, Air Heads, Hershey bars, Reese's cups and Kit Kats are available along with hot dogs, kept warm in a meaty sauce in one of three slow cookers, or nachos, or the "Taco In A Bag" with an option of Fritos or Doritos as the foundation await beneath the deck which provides race officials an outstanding view as well as a perch to signal drivers with the traditional set of flags, members of the family that keeps the place running. Hot chocolate and coffee are also on the menu.

"The taco in a bag is probably our number one thing," a well-bundled attendant said.

Race official Terry Hicks cautioned drivers to be ready when their races were called, reminding them they were also racing the sun as the action would come to a halt as the light faded.

With nine classes and events including a 100-lap Box Stock race, it was an action-packed afternoon.

Story & Photos by TIM PRESTON


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