
For the Love of a Good Read - Conquest Books


Talmadge Callihan enjoys almost every aspect of running a new bookstore in downtown Ashland, especially when it comes to helping people find something they will thoroughly love to read.

Conquest Books, owned and operated by Callihan and wife, Brittany Stevens, opened in late January 2022 and has already become a destination for the region's book lovers. The shop is located inside The Jewel Art Gallery at 323 15th Street in Ashland, Ky next to Fat Patty's restaurant.

"We have always toyed around with the idea of opening something not available here," Callihan said, seated on a comfy loveseat at the front of the bookstore. "There hasn't been a bookstore here in years."

Callihan said they felt the time was right to dive into the small business world when Bri Reynolds, owner of The Jewel Art Gallery, sought to lease space. 

"Books and art are a good juxtaposition. They have a mutual audience. People who love art tend to love books and people who love books tend to love art," he said.

Stevens and Callihan make a point of helping their clients find what they are looking for, even when they don't have a specific title or author in mind. He explains they have distinctly different preferences in their own favorite books, which helps them to suggest selections for those seeking something different.

Among the shop's features is a shelf titled "Blind Date With A Book" filled with paper-wrapped books, tied with string and labeled with only basic information about the contents. Grinning, Stevens confessed she got the basic idea from a well-known bookstore franchise, and personalized it for Conquest Books.

The reality of opening a "brick and mortar" store required serious consideration.

"First of all, you have Amazon. Why do people need to come to me when they have Amazon?" Callihan said, before adding "Amazon is totally impersonal. You're supporting a machine. Here, we have conversations with people about what and even where they like to read."

New customers seem to find Conquest Books every time the doors are open. "This is the best Tuesday we've had since we opened - and it's only 3 o'clock!" Callihan said with a smile.

Book inventory and orders are almost without limits, he noted.

"I'm not going to sell DC and Marvel comics. But if it is bound and has paper, I'm probably going to sell it," Callihan said, explaining the shop makes custom book orders every week, often for obscure or hard-to-find titles and authors.

The appeal of the shop's offerings is not complicated, and primarily driven by an essential desire. "I often hear people say, 'I want something I can hold in my hand. I can't read e-books," he said, later adding Conquest Books also has audio books, CDs and MP3s.

At the moment, the most popular author for Conquest Books' clients "is Colleen Hoover. We can't keep Colleen Hoover on the shelf." 

Books are shelved according to genres, such as mysteries, psychological thrillers, graphic novels, manga, as well as vintage hardback and paperback novels. One shelf is labeled "Better than the Movies."

The name Conquest Books was born from the title "of an old Italian fantasy movie," Callihan explained, adding it is a title he's wanted to use for several years.

As Callihan speaks about his passion for personal service to customers, he admits there is one aspect of small-business ownership which he isn't particularly enthusiastic about.

"I'm not crazy about the bookkeeping part of it. Both of my parents have many years of experience in business, and they have stressed the importance of that side of things. So, I do know I have to keep that part up, even if I don't really like it," he said.

Conquest Books is open from 11 a.m. until 7 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday. For more information, visit the shop's Facebook, Instagram or TikTok pages, or call 606-922-0090. 

(11) Conquest Books | Facebook

Editor's note: This is the first of a two-part series tentatively titled "Keeping Up With The Callihans" - Wondering what Talmadge Callihan's dad is up to these days? 

Stay tuned.

Story and Photos by TIM PRESTON

Carter County Post