
KCU Men's Soccer - Senior Night

Kentucky Christian University’s Men’s Soccer celebrated Sr. Day Saturday Oct. 9, 2020 during the game’s half-time.

  There are three Seniors this year:  Brandon Miranda, Mike Dewald and Bryan Vanderlyn.

“We have three Seniors to honor today.

First is #4 Brandon Miranda. Brandon is being escorted by his mother Diana, his father Arthur, his brother Jordan, his sister Valerie and his mentor/coach/roommate Micah Estes.

Brandon has grown up playing soccer. One of his earliest memories is kicking a ball at a girl’s stomach because she wouldn’t move. Whether it’s been club, college or rec, soccer has been the sport he holds closest to his heart.

Brandon is majoring in Counseling Psychology with a minor in Biblical Studies. After graduation he would like to become a Graduate Assistant while obtaining a Master’s degree in Coaching.

His favorite KCU soccer memory was having the opportunity play in the NCCAA National Championship his sophomore year.

Brandon is thankful to have been able to play college soccer with his teammates. He says he would never have thought that he would be here at KCU if it weren’t for coach convincing him that this was a great place-even though he hardly said one word to him on his recruiting visit. Brandon says that he will miss everyone on this team. Please enjoy every moment that you have because these are moments that will live on forever. One last piece of advice…When in doubt, port it fort it out.

#4 Brandon Miranda

Next #11 Mike DeWald is being escorted by his parents Jenny and Marty, his fiancé Hailey, his brother Max, his sister and brother-in-law Megan and Kyle, and his two nieces Willow and Whitley. Mike has been playing soccer since he was four years old and quickly fell in love with the game. He is thankful for the opportunity that KCU has provided and has loved giving his heart to soccer for the last 18 years. Mike will graduate in May with a Bachelor of Business Administration with concentrations in both Accounting and Management. He plans to study for the CPA exam after graduation and then marry the love of his life, Hailey. He will then start his job as a State and Local Tax Associate at Price Waterhouse Coopers next Fall.

Mike’s favorite KCU Soccer memory was in 2018 when the team made it to the NCCAA DII National Championship.

Mike would like to thank everyone who has helped him along this path. Including his coaches, teammates, and of course his family. He says “I don’t know where I’d be without you all, I would start naming names…but we would be here all day.

#11 Mike DeWald

Last is #24 Bryan Vanderlyn. Brian is being escorted by his dad Derek. Bryan has been playing soccer since he was five. He grew up playing rec league soccer and magically found himself playing college soccer years later.

Brian is majoring in Business Administration with a concentration in Management. After graduation he plans to pursue a Master’s degree in Business.

After two years of playing college soccer he says he doesn’t have a favorite memory. In fact, every practice, every game, and every moment of his KCU soccer career are his favorite. Being able to enjoy the sport that he loves with the brothers that he has met has truly impacted him for the rest of his life so he would say that he has so many memories.

Bryan says “if you would have asked me four years ago where I saw myself, I would have told you that I would be at Senior Night of a college football game. But instead, God had plans greater than mine. He moved people into my life that deeply impacted me for the rest of my life and I’m truly thankful for them. He guided me back to the sport I loved and turned me into a better person. Philippians 4:13 says I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

#24 Bryan Vanderlyn

Coach Jeremy Miller would like to say, “we are going to really miss these guys. I have grown close to all of them over the last few years. I remember watching Mike as an 8th grader feeling like it would be forever until he would finally get to KCU. Brandon said his first words to me as I was dropping him off at the Greyhound station following his visit- he said “I loved it.”

I also remember meeting with Bryan in my office because he wanted to join the soccer family. From our first encounters to today I have been so proud of all the ways you have bought into the KCU soccer family. Thanks for being willing to buy into what this KCU soccer family is all about. Thank you for all the ways you have invested in the family and helped us to grow on and off the field. I’m excited to see what each of you will do from here. You will always be a part of the family. Love you guys.”

Story and Photos by Coach JEREMY MILLER & MICHELLE BRAND

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