
(UPDATE!) Bird On A Broom: An Unexpected Dance

It seems many people worried about the bird which flew into Rhiannon Greer’s new place of business this week.

We have an update.

The story went:

I had followed Austin Greer out onto the sidewalk to snap a few photos and noticed his wife, Rhiannon, had sprung into action on what appeared to be an act of compulsive cleaning, tackling a hanging light fixture with a broom, inside the future home of Dance With Hope Studio in downtown Grayson.

Seeking an action shot, I snapped a few frames as I approached the eight-months-pregnant dance instructor.

“It’s a bird! I think it might be injured,” she said just before we both watched the bird gently hop onto the broom.

 With a slight gasp, Rhiannon Greer eased the bird-laden broom downward. The little bird’s comfort, however, was quickly breeched and it took off and flew directly into a nearby wall, then fell to the floor.

“Put on gloves – that thing will bite you,” her husband cautioned as she initially picked the bird up in her bare hands.

Emitting a high warble, the bird escaped her gentle grip and flew directly toward me, impacting with my camera’s shoulder strap and then briefly perched upon my shoe.

This all happened REALLY fast!

Poor photo, yes, but it scared me to death!

I snapped a couple of frames before the feathered guest winged it toward the front of the store.

Heeding her husband’s advice Greer slipped on a pair of heavy work gloves and managed another brief cupping hold, but the bird was bound and determined to get away.

 An animal lover, Greer kept a close eye on the bird throughout our interview and photo session. The winged visitor was perched above one the glass doors as I departed.

Greer reports the bird was not inside long after.

“I got it out right after you left!”

 A story and photos about Rhiannon and Austin Greer’s new location for Dance With Hope Studio, in Grayson, will appear in an upcoming package on Carter County Post.

Story and Photos by TIM PRESTON 

Carter County Post