
Olive Hill Chamber of Commerce: Homecoming Festival On Hold

Olive Hill Chamber of Commerce President Lisa Conley released a statement regarding planned events and activities in the city following a recent meeting of the Chamber's board of directors. "Good morning all and HAPPY WEEKEND!"

I want to share results from our chamber board of directors meeting last night. Many of you may already know via Facebook that we have decided not to host the Homecoming this year (this includes parade, activities, and fireworks). This decision was a very difficult one for our board but one we felt strongly about. 

 It was a majority vote and we agreed that we did NOT want to risk even one person becoming infected with Covid-19 because we decided to go ahead with everything. We also agreed that due to surrounding cities cancelling their activities that it would bring even more people into town than usual if we were to have Homecoming. It just wasn't worth the risk and we hope you understand and respect our difficult decision.

The board, along with a city representative, decided to look at the possibility of having fireworks along with a combined "It's Fall Y'all" and the 10 year anniversary celebration of overcoming the 2010 floods later this year if possible. 

We will continue to monitor everything and will continue to abide by CDC Guidelines and those of the state. We certainly hope that we can indeed have a Fall celebration with fireworks and activities to celebrate our wonderful community.

We discussed 2020 Chamber dues. Since many of our businesses have suffered losses during this pandemic we voted to make 2020 dues voluntary. That means that you may choose to send in your 2020 dues as a donation, as the chamber is still in need of income.

 For those who have already paid 2020 dues, you can choose to donate those or have those applied to your 2021 dues. 2021 and future years chamber dues will now be due from ALL members in the first quarter of each year (due by March 31st).

The Discover Olive Hill booklet is still currently on hold but we are hoping the Depot will soon reopen so we can resume work on the Welcome Center as well as the booklet. I will keep you updated on that.

Lastly, we will begin meetings once again on July 16th at 5:30 PM. We will also have the meeting available via Zoom for those not yet comfortable with in-person meetings. The location will be announced at a later date.

I want to apologize for being a bit quiet during the past couple of months. I have had some personal issues that I have been dealing with and that has taken my focus away from things. I am ready to get back to work! Let me know if I can be of assistance in any way.


​Lisa Conley; President

Olive Hill Area Chamber of Commerce
(606) 315-5787
"Moving Forward"