
Making Masks: Sue Lambert Doing What She Can To Help

"The Lord put it on my heart to do what I could to help," Sue Lambert said of her ongoing effort to sew masks for anyone who needs them.
"I've made almost a hundred of them," said Lambert, 69, a native of Carter County who graduated from Olive Hill High School in 1969 and lives near Carter Caves State Resort Park. 

Lambert practically cackled with laughter when asked where she found the fabric and elastic to make her masks.

"In my sewing room. I'm one of them hoarders I guess," she confessed while still chuckling, before explaining her husband, Donald, relocated her sewing machine and related items into their living room after she broke an ankle last spring.
She cut and sewed her first masks for her son to wear at a church birthday party, and included the phrase "Made in the USA - not China" on a pair.

"I'm not making light of anything. I was trying to protect them I guess. You know how a mother is."

Another son works at the Lexington VA and also needed masks, she said, adding the mask requests began to come "from just here and yonder - different people," including 16 with slots for replaceable filter material.
Challenged by several health issues, Lambert said she has enjoyed the opportunity to serve others. She has a few more masks already cut and awaiting elastic, and welcomes additional requests.

"I'm here and I've got plenty of material. The Lord put it on my heart to do what I could to help," she concluded.
Carter County Post