
Dogs In The City: Grayson City Council "36 years of noncompliance."

Following a discussion which ranged from legal considerations to a heated conversation between a city and county employee, Grayson Mayor George Steele said he will work with Carter County officials to answer questions about who is responsible for stray dogs in the city.

Citing conversations from three months back, Jennifer McGlone presented the city council with copies of a court ruling which makes it clear, "County animal control must pick up in the city."
McGlone said she also provided a copy to County Judge Mike Malone, and added "That ought to be the end of it."

Animal Control Officer Woody Maddix, however, had refused to answer a call earlier in the day regarding a black dog at Rite Aid, council members were told. The dog, which was lured to safety by a peanut butter sandwich, was later retrieved by its owner.

The mayor said "36 years of noncompliance" might require the use of an attorney to represent both Grayson and Olive Hill. City Attorney Jason Greer noted he would have a conflict and would not be able to handle the issue on behalf of the municipalities.

"We can work on this one. It went through the court and appeals and it went for the city both times," Steele said.
Council members and guests also heard from: Jerry Yates, regarding concerns about people working temporary jobs in Grayson without paying the applicable occupational tax;
 Jacob Perkins of FIVCO, who introduced himself and offered the agency's resources and assistance on city projects;
 Larry Doucet, who expressed ongoing concerns and opposition to a previous proposal to hire a city administrator; 

and, Andrew Lewis of Bit Source, who discussed a new phone app which could be beneficial to the city, and available through existing grant funding.

Council members approved a motion to pursue grant funding and other options regarding the Bit Source "city app," which is already being used in Pikeville.                                               Story and Photos by TIM PRESTON