
Wood To Warm Their Neighbors: "We're all from The Ridge" (11 photos)

Keeping a community tradition for the sixth or seventh year, residents of  Rattlesnake Ridge joined forces and fueled up their saws and splitters Saturday morning to split, load and deliver wood to neighbors who would otherwise have difficulty heating their homes during the coming winter months.

The men divided up the duties involved with processing an estimated 60 to 70 tons of pulp wood, provided by Michael Riggs of Strickland Forest Products and Grayson Wood Yard on Rt. 1947 in Carter County, while women of the community provided food and drinks for the morning's workers.

"By the time we're done, it will be a couple of tractor-trailer loads," Riggs said while discussing the ongoing volunteer effort alongside Darren Carroll and a few dozen of their neighbors.

Some of this year's wood will be delivered to Kim Jones, whose husband Jimmy died from a heart attack while on the job at Rattlesnake Ridge Water District.
"He was raised up on the ridge with the rest of us. His sons Casey, Corey and Cole are out here helping this morning," Carroll said, noting Jimmy was among the first organizers of the community wood drive.

Sue and Michael Mosier will also receive wood for the winter, Carroll said, explaining Michael has been crippled since falling from a tree stand a few years ago.

No money changes hands during the annual wood cutting.
"We're not selling anything," Riggs said. "This is for winter heat."

Anyone interested in learning more about events and efforts within the community is invited to visit the Rattlesnake Ridge Community Center's Facebook page.

Story And Photos by TIM PRESTON


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