
The Standard of Excellence with Ronnie Dotson, Ed.D.

The beginning of the school year is such an exciting time. While some children will be experiencing school for the first time, others will be reuniting with friends and sharing stories of summer events. The emotions associated with the first day of school differ from student to student, but are sure to include both nervousness and excitement.

As parents, ensuring that our children receive a quality education is one of our greatest responsibilities. In today's competitive world a high school diploma is the minimum requirement for practically all jobs. I am particularly proud that out of the 173 school systems in Kentucky, Carter County was number one in the state last year in the percentage of students that graduated high school. A large number of our students graduated with Industry Certifications in welding, carpentry, business, drafting, nursing, culinary, or early childcare. Likewise, many students graduated with ACT scores that will allow them to attend the college of their choice.

Preparing our children for a successful future requires a partnership between families and schools. Research is clear about the importance of parental involvement in education. After years of studying the role that families play in education, researchers have concluded:

- Family participation in education was twice as predictive of students’ academic success as family socioeconomic status. Some of the more intensive programs had effects that were 10 times greater than other factors (Walberg, 1984).

- The more parents participate in schooling, in a sustained way, at every level -- in advocacy, decision-making and oversight roles, as fundraisers and boosters, as volunteers and paraprofessionals, the better for student achievement (Williams & Chavkin, 1989).

As the new year begins, I encourage you to get involved in your child's school. There are opportunities for everyone to be a part of making Carter County Schools the best that it can be for our children.

-Ronnie Dotson, Ed.D., Superintendent, Carter County Schools

Dr. Ronnie Dotson is the Superintendent of Schools in Carter County, Kentucky. During his tenure, Carter County has improved from being one of the lowest achieving districts in the state to consistently ranking among the highest performing. In facilitating one of the most successful turnarounds in the history of Kentucky, Dotson credits a dedicated school board, a talented team of professionals, and a community passionate about its children. Dr. Dotson writes The Standard of Excellence, exclusive to Carter County Post, on issues related to education and education policy throughout the Commonwealth.